Connect python to oracle db with pyodbc

I’m only the 3 billion-th blogger to write about this but for some reason, even with the interwebs saturated with python-Oracle connection examples, this still took me pretty much the whole day to figure out.


I access a remote Oracle Database for work. I generally pull data from database tables and mess with them in some other stats software. I don’t write to amend tables in the database ever.

At the moment I have two main ways I work:

  1. I use the RODBC package to pass an SQL query to the server and get results pulled into R as data frames
  2. I sometimes use Oracle’s SQL Developer to look at tables, get field names, etc., etc.

I kind of want to be able to pull data directly from the server into Python…mostly just to see if I can do it…but also because Python seems like a better platform for building apps.


I have an Oracle Client installed on my local machine and have set up a DSN that maps to this client. If you haven’t done this you’ll need to. I can’t help you with this but if you are on a Windows set up here are some resources:


If you have the Oracle Client set up and the tnsnames.ora file configured then getting python to connect to the database is actually pretty straightforward.

The Method

It seems that there is a robust debate over whether one should use

for the task at hand (get data from an Oracle database into Python). Pyodbc looks and sounds kinda like RODBC which I use a lot so I chose to focus my search there.

After about a full day’s worth of reading documentation and looking at various examples I found a syntax that worked for me:

import pyodbc
import pandas as pd

connection = pyodbc.connect('Driver={Oracle in OraClient11g_home1};DBQ=pacfin;Uid=uid;Pwd=pw')

#test the connection
cursor = connection.cursor()

#Example command to print the unique values of the field 'pacfin_group_gear_code' 
SQLCommand = ("SELECT distinct pacfin_group_gear_code FROM pacfin_marts.comprehensive_ft")
print cursor.fetchall()

> [('HKL', ), ('TWL', ), ('TLS', ), ('POT', ), ('TWS', ), ('MSC', ), ('NET', )]

#try to get results into pandas data I'm going to do a count of the field 'FTID' by year
sql = ("SELECT pacfin_year, count(FTID) FROM pacfin_marts.comprehensive_ft group by pacfin_year")
cnn = pyodbc.connect('Driver={Oracle in OraClient11g_home1};DBQ=pacfin;Uid=amamula;Pwd=mam2pac$')
data = pd.read_sql(sql, cnn)

0        1981.0    1039369.0
1        1982.0    1018429.0
2        1983.0     841329.0
3        1984.0     704278.0
4        1985.0     806843.0
5        1986.0     872706.0
6        1987.0    1092974.0
7        1988.0    1241387.0
8        1989.0    1360107.0
9        1990.0    1239093.0
10       1991.0    1193777.0
11       1992.0    1327049.0
12       1993.0    1460154.0
13       1994.0    1000942.0
14       1995.0     987166.0
15       1996.0     959688.0
16       1997.0     946521.0
17       1998.0     780234.0
18       1999.0     711917.0
19       2000.0     543381.0
20       2001.0     526102.0
21       2002.0     470503.0
22       2003.0     448218.0
23       2004.0     448636.0
24       2005.0     417165.0
25       2006.0     405049.0
26       2007.0     419557.0
27       2008.0     432731.0
28       2009.0     469646.0
29       2010.0     375191.0
30       2011.0     444726.0
31       2012.0     442759.0
32       2013.0     463439.0
33       2014.0     442455.0
34       2015.0     426278.0
35       2016.0     297082.0

The ‘Secret’

This post unlocked the secret for me. It turns out that most of early problems were related to the fact that I was using ‘Server=’ instead of ‘DBQ=’ in the connection string. This is a pretty small detail but it hung me up for a while so I’m hoping this post will maybe save a few folks an hour or so.

Written on March 7, 2017